
What is a Thanatologist?

Thanatology is the academic and scientific study of death, grief and bereavement. It comes from the Greek 'Thanatos', who was the personification of death and the twin sibling of Hypnos, personification of sleep. A Thanatologist specializes in the field of Thanatology that covers all relevant issues pertaining to death and non-death losses and their associated behavioral responses and coping challenges.

Are You Providing Counseling To Companies?

No. Whilst Ms. Dinhofer is a trained counselor, certified thanatologist and credentialed trauma informed coach and consultant, Koden Consulting Services does not provide counseling. Our services are non-therapeutic, evidence-based, tailored specifically to the individual(s), their role within the organization (or privately) and what their challenges are.

How Are you Different from an EAP?

Destabilizing events don’t play fair nor do they resolve in a linear time line. It is not unusual to have employees seemingly functioning well after an event then suddenly struggle to get out of the car and walk into the building.

For that reason, time predicated or restricted services based on pre-written packages offered by EAP’s just don’t align with the realities of how humans respond to trauma and other disruptive events.

All of our work is customized to you and co-created with you in real time, based on your needs now and in the future.

EAP services following a crisis are typically in the immediate aftermath and don’t address longer-term issues impacting workplace culture and performance.

How Do We Get Started?

We begin by meeting clients through Zoom or phone for a Needs Discovery conversation. The purpose is to understand what your challenges are, the catalyst for those challenges, what the impact has been and if we are the right ones to be of assistance. If not, we’re happy to recommend those who can.

Where is Your Fee schedule?

All services are bespoke and designed according to outcomes from the Needs Discovery meeting. We don’t provide proposals in advance. Instead, following the Needs Discovery meeting, we’ll review with you our recommendations, with corresponding pricing, and co-create a service delivery solution with you. This approach allows for questions and adjustments in real-time.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of staff required for training or retreats?

No. We facilitate both group and one-on-one formats. Depending on the kind of training and level of interactivity we’re facilitating for you, we’ll make recommendations on the optimum number of attendees per session for sufficient Q&A or real-time coaching within the program’s time range to accomplish intended goals. We often facilitate the same program in multiple sessions to capture all relevant staff whilst maintaining operations and for flexibility in scheduling a larger cohort.

How far in advance can services be scheduled?

Clients often contact us following unforeseen or emergent circumstances and our ability to immediately respond with services will be based on several factors discussed in our initial conversation. We also contract with clients for longer term deliverables that we prioritize for the duration of the work. It is advisable to begin discussions as early as possible.

“I will use the tools I learned from Lisa to guide future team meetings…I would like to see if this will reduce turnover”

— Forensic Nurse Manager workshop attendee on Secondary Traumatic Stress